Having worked in Marketing roles for P&G and The Coca-Cola Company, I have observed significant differences in Consumer & Shopper Marketing strategies and plans for Laundry/Personal Care Products vs. Beverages.
Great Laundry or Personal Care Consumer & Shopper Marketing can stimulate trial and purchase and convince shoppers to buy larger quantities/multi-packs. However, larger purchase quantities will NOT increase usage. This is because you won’t wash your hair multiple times/day or do more laundry washes just because a larger amount of product is at home. The only advantage is that you won’t buy a competitive Brand as long as you’re fully stocked.
In Food & Beverages, however, it’s all about identifying and driving purchase and consumption occasions in the Home and Out-of-Home Markets.
- Within the Home Market, large purchased amounts do increase consumption behind purchase and consumption occasions such as Xmas, Easter, Halloween, or BBQ.
- Within the Out-of-Home Market, there are many different purchase = immediate consumption occasion, i.e. thirst quenching, socializing or travel occasions with specific opportunities for real-time communication.
PITA, stands for Population x Incidence x Times x Amount and thus, defines the magnitude of the business opportunity.
- Population is the overall size of the Target Group (i.e. teens 12-19 yrs.)
- Incidence is the % of actual shoppers/consumers with key volume drivers such as:
- Times a Brand is purchased, i.e. 1x/month, 1x/day or multiple times/day. This correlates with the number and type of communicated purchase and consumption occasions.
- Amont, i.e. the product sizes; 0.3L, 0.5L, 1.0L or 1.5L, depending on the occasions, i.e. 0.3L/0.5L for on-the-go consumption or 1.0L/1.5L for household/family consumption.
Thus, PITA is key to the success of each Food & Beverage Brand!
Just contact me via ak@aklein-consult.com when you need assistance to launch PITA in your Food or Beverage company.